Monday, August 26, 2013

Jam Session 2.4 - Notes on Student Created VC Content

Registered (Attendees in bold)
Ken Conn, Data Projections
Linda McDonald, Data Projections
Carol Teitelman, ESC Region 13
Amy Spath, CNYRIC
Lori Hamm-Neckar, ESC Region 11
Adriana Reza, Texas State Aquarium
JoAnn Roe, ESC Region 11
Lori Hogle, ESC Region 11
Tami Moehring, History Live/Minnesota Historical Society
Steve Schroeder, Smithville ISD
Linda Dickeson, Lincoln Public Schools
Jennifer Oxenford, MAGPI

1. Blog -
a.      Join
b.      How we capture details
c.      Membership list

2. Share success or challenge
Ken Conn, Data Projections - Challenge = getting to 123VC prep, Success = presenting at the USDLA conference in St. Louis with other DL leaders across the USA

Linda McDonald, Data Projections - Success/Challenge = great feedback from former 123VC workshop participant saying that years later it is still the best workshop they ever attended, still struggle with getting people to register - information at

JoAnn Roe, ESC Region 11 - still seeing growth in registrations

Jennifer Oxenford, MAGPI - Challenge = timing, 1st acvc, have seen drop in vc registrations, looking for ideas to combat barriers (scheduling, standards connection)

3. Student Created Videoconference Content, Tonia Carriger, Director of Professional Development Services, CILC
Overview of KC3 Project, how to get involved, effects on learning & student engagement

KC3 started about 6 years ago, 12 schools 1st year, 80 at height of program, now experiencing a fall off, thinking about how to address

students looks at their community and determine what is unique to develop into a program (environment, economy, ethnic traditions)

some students partner with content providers to bring in another level of viability

support = walking teachers through some webinars to help with topics and staying focused

students research, present, process information - stress interactivity & engagement & interest (what keeps your interest)

projects do best when they have a champion (i.e. Tommy Bearden from TX)

30 - 45 minute session, narrow topic (i.e. rattle snake vs. desert)

during the testing, students do pieces of presentation for feedback (i.e. graphics, backgrounds, interactivity)

best projects are ingrained in the curriculum (i.e. senior project, replace research paper) & preservice teachers

some students come back to coach

middle & high schools only, did elementary in past, but was a little too much teacher driven, gifted & talented programs

half core subject classes & half non-core subject classes (i.e. FFA)

archives? not available for general public

thinking about adding a flipped component & doing a more public judging

how do we increase engagement? do more on how it actually integrates into curriculum

kick-off in fall

4. Upcoming Events
Ken Conn, Data Projections - 123VC

Linda McDonald, Data Projections - Administrator Academy

JoAnn Roe, ESC Region 11 - ISTE, 123VC

Jennifer Oxenford, MAGPI - Philidelphia Museum of Art - discount to MAGPI members, lots of good programming

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