Thursday, June 5, 2014

Jam Session 3.4 - Notes

6/5/14, 11 AM - 12 PM CST

Ken Conn, I-2-I Technologies
Dawn Ferreyra, Omaha Public Schools
Roxanne Glaser, I-2-I Technologies
Lori Hamm-Neckar, ESC Region 11
Laurie Hogle, ESC Region 11
Audra May, South Central Kansas Distance Learning Network
Pam Nevan, ESC Region 11
Linda McDonald, ESC Region 11
Emma Richardson, East Central BOCES

Ken Conn, I-2-I Technologies
Lori Hamm-Neckar, ESC Region 11
Laurie Hogle, ESC Region 11
Audra May, South Central Kansas Distance Learning Network
Pam Nevan, ESC Region 11
Linda McDonald, ESC Region 11

We used TodaysMeet as a back channel during the session,

1. Blog -
a. Join
b. How We Capture Details
c. Membership List

2. Share Success and/or Challenge
Ken Conn: SUCCESS: starting working with i-2-i Technologies  CHALLENGE: spending time working on 123VC workshop preparation 

Lori Hamm-Neckar: popped in but viciously multi-tasking

Laurie Hogle: SUCCESS: getting Zoom implemented after exhaustive evaluations, simple & minimal investment even if it doesn’t end up being the final solution  CHALLENGE: time for rolling out Zoom & getting user documents/procedures together

Audra May: CHALLENGE: organizing ivc playground for ISTE at end of june, july kansas state network inservice prep - usually regional & connect over video, f2f this year, teachers instruct over vc & also use websites & schoology  SUCCESS: making progress on both preps

Pam Nevan: SUCCESS: still at Region 11  CHALLENGE: not knowing what to be challenged about

Linda McDonald: SUCCESS: niece graduating (also challenge), work  CHALLENGE: time management

3. Robotic Telepresence Solutions – Texas Education Service Center Region 11,
Audra: limited experience with VGo unit through ISTE ivc playground 

Laurie: investigating how it fits in region 11 model of services, kip @ region 6 just jumped in to offer it, experience using VGo unit loaned from region 6 with student getting treatment at md anderson, stair detection feature (but doesn’t work with off colored tiles)

looked at the Double (through ESSDACK) - good price point - stability and audio was weak on the Double, couldn’t hear in big groups, had network issues (iPad driven)

setting up budget to purchase (3) VGo units, about $7K per unit (with extended battery, 1 yr. maintenance, carrying case) - setting up criteria to determine student selection process, priority for AP/Pre AP students because the homebound teacher is difficult to find, only (4) hours per week required of instruction with homebound teacher - almost 300 students ID’d as homebound in Region 11

experience in Region 6, Region 2, and Region 13

looking at grant proposal for foundation, trying to get this as benefit for VC membership contract - trying to determine pricing for districts, maybe something like $100 per month, goal to cover $1000 maintenance

kip’s experience is that at (14) or (15) units, it is difficult to manage

larger school districts may be better off buying their own, for example if student is 4th grader, they may use it for many years

other research = get what you pay for

use them for content providers, like museum tours

students could use them for field trips

Ken also mentioned the Beam units

4. Upcoming Events – Next Session 9/18/14
Ken Conn: KAIDE Teacher In-Service, 123 VC Workshop

Audra May: ISTE, KAIDE Teacher In-Service

Pam Nevan: 123 VC Workshop

Linda McDonald: Maker Workshop, 123 VC Workshop